Individual and Family Counseling
Therapy is a process that endeavors to illuminate your circumstances from a different perspective and expand the horizons of your attention. At ProActive Institute we use the therapeutic to understand your circumstances, navigate difficulties, clarify your values, and move forward with personal and directed action.
There are several different services that are provided to meet your various and unique needs such as:
Individual Therapy
ProActive Institute provides individual therapy that is a focused and collaborative. The focus is about you, your feelings, your thoughts, your history and your experiences. These are all designed to develop your signature strengths, resolve dilemmas, and facilitate personal satisfaction.
Parent Counseling
Parent counseling is a unique services that focused on the enormous and complex task of raising children to be healthy, happy, purposeful, and independent adults. Whether you are a single parent or share the responsibility, at ProActive Institute we believe that therapy for parents unravels the unique developmental challenges active when a child encounters difficulty or exhibits problematic behavior. Children act out their difficulties because they do not yet have a language to describe what they need. The goal of parent counseling is first to translate the meaning of problematic behavior within the context in which it occurs and as it pertains to the current developmental challenge. The goal of therapy for parents then becomes to provide resources, interventions, and parenting strategies that accommodate the child’s unique needs.
Family Therapy
ProActive Institute provides Family Therapy that is focused on issues that affect all members of the family and the complexities of how each member adjusts to them. The different schools of family therapy have a common a belief that, regardless of the origin of the problem, and regardless of whether the clients consider it an "individual" or "family" issue, involving families in solutions often benefits clients. Family therapy allows for all family members to be active participants in the therapeutic process. The skills of the family therapist include the ability to influence conversations in a way that catalyzes the strengths, wisdom, and support of the wider system. The goal of family therapy is to strengthen the extended bonds, navigate problems, provide encouragement, and support each other throughout life. At ProActive Institute, family therapy helps family members to visualize the larger and more intricately complex organization and promotes a perspective where all can benefit.
Grief Counseling
ProActive Institute provides a supportive and therapeutic environment where Grief counseling can be provided. Grief counseling provides support and sustenance while navigating through the complex web of intense emotions that accompany significant loss. Grief can come in the form of illness, death, trauma, violence, divorce or severe disappointment which can result in symptoms of isolation, loneliness, fear, sleeplessness, anger, anxiety, confusion, intolerance, despair or persistent crying. Grief counseling at ProActive Institute will help clients you to move through the grief process and integrate the past with the present, and find the courage to reconnect to life.